3 Tips for Attracting Consumers With Your Healthcare Website

Eight seconds.

That’s the attention span of users on a website, and represents a challenge to acquiring customers, no matter the industry. This short moment captures the time a user enters a website and then stops paying attention or gets distracted altogether.

In healthcare, the average session is 2-3 minutes, and the bounce rate is around 60%. In short, healthcare visitors abandon websites quickly.

Capturing a consumer’s attention, and nurturing them through the healthcare journey is a technical challenge, and there are proven methods to keep users engaged. Blending a decade of e-commerce know-how with healthcare, DexCare offers a number of innovative solutions to grab a consumer’s attention.

1. Match content with scheduling.

Milliseconds matter, as consumers have little patience for slow, cumbersome websites that lead to dead ends. And consumers typically find healthcare websites through landing pages from search. While useful, landing pages are usually intermediary steps that lead website visitors to directories, and eventually scheduling. That’s a long road, considering most consumers abandon websites in just a few seconds.

Add Contextual Care Options

Care Options turn high-traffic, landing-pages into scheduling opportunities. Instead of solely relying on directories to schedule appointments, Care Options automatically match your landing-page content with available providers and urgent care timeslots. This seemingly simple step removes friction — and unnecessary steps — to schedule care and pairs scheduling to the pages customers discover most often from Google search.

2. Make your onsite search powerful.

People are conditioned to rely on search as the primary gateway to solve questions and get to where they are going. And people have become spoiled by intuitive, easy-to-use, search technology. Plainly, search gets users to where they’re going.

Unfortunately, search capabilities on healthcare websites are lackluster, and hardly match intent with the right care. But there’s a fix.

Modernize Your Search

DexCare’s Site Search brings a new standard of onsite-search functionality to healthcare. All too often the search bar on healthcare websites is buried, rigid, and lacks the sophistication to match intent with relevant results. Site Search deciphers user intent and returns the right level of care, sorted by availability, location and is tailored to each customer. It allows users to search for anything — be it providers, conditions, and locations — and to receive actionable results from any page on the website.

3. Remove friction from your directories.

Healthcare websites rely on provider and location directories – a central clearinghouse to find, and book care. However, most directories aren’t built for mobile devices, nor exhibit the features that users want, like natural-language search, geo-targeted results, filtering options or personalized results.

Provide Frictionless Directories.

Keep your stack, and bolt-on our modern directories, to deliver an experience proven to surface the right modality of care in a frictionless, app-like user interface. DexCare offers a modern take on directories that work on top of your existing experience, and immediately improves the patient journey. And the results are clear. Frictionless directories are proven to increase provider booking conversion 37%.

Consumers want easy, convenient experiences. And to keep up with ever-changing digital expectations, healthcare websites can’t afford to rely on outdated capabilities and approaches.

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Learn how DexCare can transform your digital front door, and bring to life a modern experience that customers will love, use, and appreciate.